The Message Glorious
...a story of God's faithfulness in all circumstances
A comment from animal control :)
Mom received such a positive comment today regarding The Message Glorious. It was from the animal control officer who came to pick up the "wild cats" Mom has been nurturing. He said, "I loved your book. It made me cry, and it made me laugh, and it made me think. You can't ask for a better book than that!" I agree whole-heartedly :)
The Message Glorious now ON SHELF at Arlston's in Corydon
Mom's book is now on the SHELF at Arlston's Bookstore in downtown Corydon, Indiana. This bookstore has opened in the old Griffin's Department Store on Chestnut and On the Square. (Bill's Mom Fern worked at Griffin's for years and enjoyed it so much.) Mr. & Mr. Alstott were so congenial in accepting Mom's book on commission. Two copies were placed in their Christian book section, one in Local Author's, and one copy placed on a small book stand I provided on the top of a book shelf in a great location.
I left 10 softbound copies, 10 bookmarks, one book card from Tate, and our business card.
I left 10 softbound copies, 10 bookmarks, one book card from Tate, and our business card.
Almost Famous Authors' Faire Holiday Book Event

Free admission
Plenty of FREE parking
50+ Authors and their books
former CJ columnist Billy Reed is our guest
music performed by Jeff Rehmet
Tell me a Scott Story
Scott stories proved to be a popular item in Mom's book. Thought I would share a couple that never made the cut. Scott has entertained us for years with his own special brand of wit and wisdom and at times his "quirky" view of life.
Last year, Scott sang "He Touched Me" alcapoco (Scott's word for a capella) at the Down Syndrome of Southern Indiana Talent Show. Another boy sang really off key and struggled mightily to make it through his performance. Scott clapped heartily for him, then turned to me and whispered, "Well, I feel sorry for him but you gotta work with what you have."
A recent Sunday School lesson was about the midwives who tried to save the Israelites baby boys (in Exodus). Mom said when Scott was studying his lesson, he asked her, "What are midwives?" After she explained to him, he nodded and said, "Oh, kinda like the stork."
Last year, Scott sang "He Touched Me" alcapoco (Scott's word for a capella) at the Down Syndrome of Southern Indiana Talent Show. Another boy sang really off key and struggled mightily to make it through his performance. Scott clapped heartily for him, then turned to me and whispered, "Well, I feel sorry for him but you gotta work with what you have."
A recent Sunday School lesson was about the midwives who tried to save the Israelites baby boys (in Exodus). Mom said when Scott was studying his lesson, he asked her, "What are midwives?" After she explained to him, he nodded and said, "Oh, kinda like the stork."
The Old Louisville Coffeehouse book signing event
We had a wonderful afternoon book signing event at the Old Louisville Coffeehouse. If you ever get a chance to drop by this cute little cozy Victorian coffee shop, please do. It's at the corner of S. 4th Street and Hill in Louisville....a cute shop in a lovely neighborhood of old stately homes (a walk down the side walk is also in order). Michael and Avery spent an hour engrossed over a chess table game. Mom, Scott and I enjoyed chatting with our guests ..... including many of my Mom's sister's family who live in Louisville. Mom's only sister Alice died in an automobile accident 54 years ago, leaving 6 children. Mom said, "Alice would be so pleased that we've been able to keep in contact through the years." Indeed, a blessed day!
July book signing event for The Message Glorious
Mom and I will be at The Old Louisville Coffeehouse at 1489 South Fourth Street in Louisville, Ky for a book signing for The Message Glorious on Saturday, July 31, 2010 from 1-3pm. Hope all our friends in the area will drop by....should be lots of fun!
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